Exercises that Increase Productivity and Happiness with Annie

Tomeka Frieson
2 min readApr 27, 2021

Especially during a pandemic, it can be really hard to focus and stay on track with the work you need to get done. While nothing can make your work go away, you can implement small lifestyle changes that allow you to attack your work with motivation and complete tasks efficiently. These changes include, but are not limited to, regularly meditating, exercising, and sleeping. This article will focus on the importance of exercising.

The science behind it

Why does exercise make you happy? When you exercise, even if it’s for just a little bit of time a day, your body releases certain chemicals that make you feel better. Endorphins, dopamine and serotonin are three of the main chemicals released. Strenuous activities are not required in order for your body to release endorphins. Even making small choices like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking further away from a building to have a bit of a walk can help you start creating the productive and happy energy you need to do effective work.

Try this 10 minute workout:

The following workout is taken from self.com. If you are unsure of how to execute a move properly, visit the following website for videos and detailed instructions: https://www.self.com/story/the-do-anywhere-calorie-crushing-10-minute-circuit

Source: Self.com

Not in the mood for a high intensity work out? Try these:

Go on a walk.

Never underestimate the power of getting some fresh air. Getting out to even just walk around the block a few times or run an errand can help you clear your mind and refocus on the work you have to get done. Walks are a great time to organize and plan what you need to get done. After coming back from a walk, I find it is much easier to tackle my tasks and be efficient.

Throw yourself a dance party.

Sure, it might feel silly, but getting your body moving in any way can really help your happiness and productivity. It doesn’t matter what your dance moves look like, just make sure to keep moving for the entire 10–15 minutes. This is a time to really push yourself but also to get lost in the music and forget about all that you have on your plate. So, put on your favorite tunes and get dancing! Feel free to do this solo or you may consider asking your roommates, family, or friends to join in. This can help in two ways: 1) It will make it more fun, and you might feel less silly! 2) Doing this with other people will help keep you accountable.

